
The interpreters who work daily in the park provide a glimpse back to a time gone by where Acadians, Creoles and Native Americans provided for themselves and their families. 


The story of the Healer’s Garden began in August of 2010 when Dr. C. Ray Brassieur, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) and President of the Vermilionville Living History Museum Foundation Board, spoke to the LPMGA membership about his vision to build a medicinal garden at Vermilionville.

Historic Homes

The Vermilionville Living History Museum and Folklife Park is one of the world’s largest physical representations of an early Acadian settlement using original structures dating from 1765 to 1890.


Vermilionville has a myriad of breathtaking exhibits. Take a look today to discover a glimpse into the past of Acadiana, and be sure to plan your next visit to Vermilionville.