La Maison Acadienne (The Acadian House), an original 1850 Acadian cottage served as a school house on the Mouton Plantation and is still being used for educational purposes. This lovely cottage was rededicated last year as La Maison du Traiteur (the Home of the Healer) because it is now surrounded by Le Jardin du Traiteur (The Healer’s Garden), sponsored by the Lafayette Parish Master Gardeners Association (LPMGA).

In the Healer’s Garden, visitors can see, smell, and touch a collection of plants used for medicinal purposes for 250 years or more by Cajun, Creole, African-American, and Native American people in this area of South Louisiana known as Acadiana.  Acadiana is an area rich in French heritage.

The French first settled New Orleans and spread through the area. Then came the arrival of the French-speaking Acadians of Nova Scotia (1760s), and the area continued to receive infusions of French-speakers at multiple points in its history. French is still spoken in Louisiana’s Cajun, Creole and Native American communities today, in addition to others. The Healer’s Garden project reflects this influence by including plant signs in French, in addition to English (Common Name), and Latin (Scientific Name). 

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The Story of the Healer’s Garden

The story of the Healer’s Garden began in August of 2010 when Dr. C. Ray Brassieur, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) and President of the Vermilionville Living History Museum Foundation Board, spoke to the LPMGA membership about his vision to build a medicinal garden at Vermilionville. Members saw his vision, volunteers formed a committee, and they took advantage of his help to work with students at ULL, learning how to perform research, and how to validate the historic use of these plants. Beginning with a master’s thesis presented in 1933 by Charles Joseph Bienvenu to the faculty of Louisiana State University, the Healer’s Garden committee members collected and consolidated once-scattered information on the use of curative plants in early Louisiana. This information was then compiled into ‘The Healer’s Garden Guide’, which became the foundation document for the selection of plants in the Healer’s Garden. To view the complete garden guide for the Healer’s Garden click here.